Influence of Performance Appraisal on Organizational Performance of Textile and Apparels Firms in Nairobi County

Influence of Performance Appraisal on Organizational Performance of Textile and Apparels Firms in Nairobi County Authors: Yvonne Jewel Ogalo, Evangeline Gichunge and Simon Murithi Kenya Methodist University School of Business and Economics Author E-mail: ABSTRACT A firm’s performance can provide a general picture on how the firm is doing in terms of product quality, […]

Influence of Brand Awareness on Buying Behavior of Insurance Consumers in Kenya

Authors: 1Kangethe Gabriel Gitau, 2Gilbert arap Bor, 3Grace Mureithi 1,2,3Faculty of Marketing and Management School of Business, Catholic University of Eastern Africa P. O. Box 908-30100, Eldoret Email: ABSTRACT Brand awareness measures the accessibility of the brand in memory and is measured through brand recall/brand recognition. In the context of a given specific product […]

Influence of Operational Risk Management on Performance of Real Estate Firms in Nairobi County, Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Administration, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2021 Authors: Jacinta Nyaguthii Wanjohi1, Felix Mwambia2 and Moses Kithinji3 1, 2&3Kenya Methodist University P O Box 45240-00100 Nairobi Email: Abstract This study examined the influence of operational risk management on performance of real estate firms in Nairobi County. The study was anchored on agency theory, […]

Influence of Capital on Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Githurai Forty Five in Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya are faced with the threat of failure with past statistics indicating that three out of five fail after the first few months of their startup. The growth of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME) is influenced by several factors. Although there has been research into these factors and […]

Examining the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Monitoring and Evaluation System among Non-Governmental Organisations in Murang’a County, Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Administration, Vol. 2, 2017 Authors: Adwin Ndonga Mugera and Paul Sang Department of Management Science, Kenyatta University, Nairobi – Kenya. Corresponding Author Email:  Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence the adoption of monitoring and evaluation system among NGOs in Murang’a County, […]

Effect of Personal Attributes on Employee Performance in the Public Service in Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Administration, Vol. 2, 2017 Authors: Joy Kelemba, Ronald Chepkilot and Charles Zakayo Kabarak University, P.O. Private Bag 20157, Kabarak – Kenya Corresponding author Abstract: The legitimacy of any public service draws its breath from the capacity of responding to the needs of citizens in a way that is economically […]

Effect of Strategic Management Practices Use on Tax Positioning among Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi County

Journal of Management and Business Administration, 2 (1), August 2017.  < Author:  Nicholas Ngatia Njoroge, Department of Marketing and Management, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. P O Box 62157. 00200, Nairobi – Kenya > Abstract Despite that Small and Medium Enterprises sub-sector is increasingly being recognized as the prime vehicle for economic development in […]

Road Users’ Perception on National Transport and Safety Authority Road Accident Reduction Strategies in Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Administration, 2 (1), June 2017.  < Author: Richard Meraba Mogire, Kisii University – Kenya > < Email: > Abstract: Most fatalities and disabilities across the world have been attributed to road traffic accidents .The total number of road traffic deaths in 2015 was 1.3 million ranked tenth cause of […]

Impact of Enhancing Human Resource Capabilities on Employee Performance in Civil Service in Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Administration, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016 Authors: Joyce K. Nyabuti1, Ronald Chepkilot2 and Charles Zakayo3 Affiliation1,2,3: Kabarak University, P.O. Private Bag 20157, Kabarak – Kenya Email of the Corresponding Author: Abstract: Most organizations recognize that enhancing the capabilities of people in the organization is the most inevitable change expected in […]

Effect of Motivational Strategies on Employee Productivity in the Banking Industry: Evidence from one Selected Commercial Bank in Kenya

Journal of Management and Business Administration, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016 Author: Innocent Magori  Ong’ang’a Department of Business and Social Sciences, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Email: Abstract Optimal employee performance is at the heart of every organization. However, there are myriad challenges which hinder employee productivity, key among them, employee motivation. Despite […]