International Journal of Environmental and Health Scieces, Vol. 1, 58-73, 2022
Edwin Oluoch K’oyoo1, Leah Onyango2 and Emmanuel Midheme3
1,2,3Department of Urban & Regional Planning,
P.O Box 4389-40103, Kondele, Kisumu – Kenya
Corresponding Author Email:
Mining activities for various resources usually results into disused, derelict tracts of land within other land uses within the urban landscapes. The spread of urban development over time into areas where mining activities were once carried out has led to land use problems. The presence of degraded landscapes referred to as post-mine brownfields within the urban landscape poses various land use conflicts. Brownfields fit poorly into the urban realm and are largely considered as problem spaces, barriers and obstacles. They pose several safety concerns due to crime and hazards associated with their derelict nature. They also take up vital urban land that can be put into productive and beneficial uses. They negatively affect the visual quality/aesthetics within the brownfield neighborhoods they are found within. There is need to rehabilitate Kisumu’s brownfields into more productive urban land uses to integrate them into the planned urban landscape. The purpose of this study therefore was to explore the public perception on viable options for reuse and integration of post-mine brownfields into the planned urban landscape of Kisumu City. The study also sought to determine the most preferred method of implementing the rehabilitation of the most preferred reuse options. Cross sectional survey research design was used, with the unit of analysis being the brownfields and households living within a 500-metre radius from each brownfield boundary. A total of 96 willing participants selected randomly were involved in the survey within four brownfield neighborhoods that were purposively selected in the study due to long history of quarrying thus resulting into post-mine brownfields. The survey used questionnaires as data collection instrument. The study findings were analyzed using percentages and presented in tables and figures. The respondents indicated that the most preferred reuse option was construction of public facilities like school, community hall. Since all the brownfields were located within residential areas, the study concluded that the public facilities proposed must be compatible with the surrounding residential land use.
Keywords: Public preferences, Rehabilitation, Land Reclamation, Land uses, Post-mine brownfields, Urban landscape, Kisumu City, Landscape studies, Spatial planning, Reclamation Land Uses
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Suggested Citation (APA):
K’oyoo, E. O., Onyango, L. & Midheme, E. (2022). Exploring Public Preferences on Possible Reclamation Land Uses for Integrating Post-mine Brownfields into the Planned Urban Landscape. International Journal of Environmental and Health Scieces, Vol. 1, 58-73, 2022. Available online at