Examining Drug Prevention Strategies among Undergraduate Students in Public Campuses in Kenya

Author: Joyce Pere, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
P O Box 62157 – 00200, Nairobi – Kenya | E-mail Address: perejoyce@yahoo.com


Drug abuse amongst university students has been escalating at an alarming rate despite having preventive strategies set to curb the situation across the world. This study sought to examine the existing drug prevention interventions set to prevent drug abuse amongst undergraduate students in public universities in Kenya. The study adopted mixed research method, employing both cross sectional survey research design and phenomenological design. Both probability and non probability sampling procedures were used to arrive at the study sample. A sample of 306 respondents was used in the study out of which 300 responded. Questionnaire and interview methods were used to collect data. To ensure that the instruments were valid, content validity was used. Split half method was used to estimate reliability of instruments where a Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient value of 0.78 was obtained which is higher than the reasonable threshold of 0.7, thus making the instruments to be considered as reliable. The collected data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches. Data from questionnaire were coded and entered in the computer using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 21. Quantitative approach involved the descriptive analyses such as frequencies and percentages. Content analysis was used to present the qualitative data.. Qualitative data generated from interviews were categorized in themes in accordance with the research objectives and reported in narrative form along with quantitative presentation. From the analysis, the study found that the key strategies that could be used in drug prevention included drug abuse policy, application of guidance and counselling, and creation of drug awareness. Owing to the challenges that could hinder effective application of drug prevention strategies, the study suggested use of participatory approach in the fight against drug abuse where university fraternity is involved along with the members of community and government. Read more…

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