Author: Bright Mawudor, PhD
Protestant University Wupperttal/Bethel, Germany
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Abstract: Long-term financial planning is a vital discipline for creating and maintaining financial sustainability. However, it requires a shift away from short-term perspectives associated with annual budgeting and a shift towards five to ten year perspectives not normally associated with government financial management. Accordingly, long-term planning presents several implementation challenges. The purpose of this study was to examine challenges facing financial management in sustainability of Church Related Organizations in Kenya. The study employed cross-sectional survey design. Target population consisted of 298 respondents including members of the governing bodies in the selected CROs, development/donor partners, general secretaries and Church leaders in addition to past and executive/program staff. Stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used to select the sample of 168 respondents. Questionnaire was the data collection instrument used by the study. Questionnaire was used to collect data from the members of the governing bodies, general secretaries, past and present executive/program staff. The collected data was analyzed quantitatively. The quantitative method involved both descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis entailed summarizing the coded data in frequencies and percentages and presenting in tables and figures. This was achieved with an aid of SPSS version 17. The study findings revealed that financial management and donor funding affected financial sustainability in the organizations.
Keywords: Financial Management challenges, financial sustainability, financial development, donor funding challenges, budget constraints
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Suggested Citation
Mawuduor, B. G ( 2021). Challenges Facing Financial Management in Sustainability of Church Related Organizations in Kenya. Journal of Management and Business Administration, 3(1), 42 – 50. Available online at
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