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Exploring the Role of Development Banks in Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth in Africa

Authors: Yousif Awad Ahmed Mohamed

European Institute of Management and Technology (EIMT),

Hinterbergstrasse 9/11, CH-6330, Cham, Zug, Switzerland.

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This research paper explores the role of development banks in promoting inclusive economic growth in Africa. It considers findings by contemporary authors and the practice of variants of development banks and their role in financial inclusion, stimulation of investments, and economic development, especially in Africa. Development Banks have been thoroughly considered when assessing factors that can boost economic growth on the African continent, more so in the region of the prevailing internal and external economic pressures. This paper discusses the extent to which multilateral, regional, and national business development banks (NDBs) provide long-term finance, infrastructure, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and regional integration. In addition, it covers one of the main ignored topics, such as development bank’s relationship with institutional quality and inclusive growth performance. The analysis implies that the improvements in the institutional environment in which these banks operate raise the prospects for attainment of inclusive growth drawing pertinent conclusions for the policymakers on the use of development banks for economic development in Africa.

Keywords: Development Bank Role, Inclusive Economic Growth, Economic Growth

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Suggested Citation

Yousif, A.A.M. (2024). Exploring the Role of Development Banks in Promoting Inclusive Economic Growth in Africa. Journal of Management and Business Administration, 4, 51-60. Available online at

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