Author: Kamula E. Nduku
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of nutrition on academic performance of pre-school children aged 4 – 6 years in Kiou Location, Kasikeu Division in Makueni County in Kenya. The study sought to find out the effect of deficiency disease, the type of food eaten and the number of meals taken per day on academic performance of children aged 4-6 years old. The target sample was drawn from Kiou location, Kasikeu division. The sample of the study involved 20 children, which were drawn from eight hundred pre-school children. The researcher used random sampling procedure to get the sample. The main data collection methods were the questionnaire, observation schedules and tests. The researcher used observation schedules to collect the qualitative data and used questionnaire to obtain the quantitative data. The obtained data were presented using frequencies and percentages. The study found that to some extent the kind of food eaten by children and the number of meals taken per day affected the children’s performance in terms of academic performance. The study recommended the need for establishment of school feeding program and child nutrition sensitization programs.
Key words: Child nutrition, effect of nutrition, nutrition and performance
Suggested Referencing
Kamula. E. N. (2018). Effect of Nutrition on Academic Performance of Pre-School Children Aged 4 – 6 Years in Kiou Location, Kasikeu Division in Makueni County in Kenya. Available online at