Writers Bureau Centre

Oil Exploration Opportunities in Kenya

By Anthony M. Wanjohi:

Today more than ever before, especially with the new discovery of oil in Kenya, resources exploration has continued to enjoy very strong interest from local and global investors. Kenya is one country which is very well endowed with high quality resources and less volatile political environment that inspires confidence in investment and development. High global oil prices, coupled with a strong market for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) in the Asia-Pacific region, provides an economic driver for an upswing in exploration in Kenya. Increased demand for energy with the industrialisation of wave in developing  economies underpins these market conditions. Kenya’s geographic location ensures it is well placed to meet the rapidly expanding energy needs of the African region among other regions.

The extent of exploration drilling in Kenya is relatively low compared with other regions in the world. With various blocks, Kenya has great potentials in unpacking the hidden mother nature’s secrets. Some of the attributes which make Kenya attractive for petroleum exploration include but not limited to:

These attributes form the rationale for oil companies to explore oil prospects in Kenya in partnership with other players in the Industry.

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